Denis Beganovic
Why you are seeking a seat on the Board of Directors?
I believe based on my work experience at City Hall, State Dept of Transportation and Wash U School of Medicine that I posses a lot of skills that can be of help to the Board and downtown. And most importantly I want a vibrant downtown that is the center of the Metro St.Louis region.
What are your top priorities for DNA to work on?
Downtown transportation( enhanced bus stops, pedestrian safety ect), zoning/form based code.
What are the assets you can bring to assist DNA’s mission?
I sent 7 years at MoDOT being in charge of the entire MoDOT system in Metro St.Louis, maintaining 6500 miles of road, 1000 bridges on a $250M a year budget, so I have a extended knowledge of the transportation system in the City and the region . I have experience working in the Zoning Dept at City Hall and I am very well versed in the city zoning code, building code and signage code. I am also a member of the City’s Board of Adjustment.