Like a Chamber of Commerce but with a Neighborhood Twist
The Downtown Small Business Collaborative is a group of small businesses (and large businesses that serve and/or work alongside them) working together to foster a strong small business community in our neighborhood.
Below are some of the reasons for your small or large business to join DNA:
- Promotion of upcoming events
- Connections with downtown’s elected officials, police officers, and other public officials
- Regular networking and learning opportunities
- Restaurants/bars receive preference for the DNA monthly happy hours (average attendance of 75)
- Residents and other businesses enjoy patronizing businesses they know
- Networking opportunities at DNA functions
- Increased credibility as a community partner
- Volunteer opportunities in downtown
- Sponsorship opportunities to promote your business
- Ribbon cuttings/grand opening ceremonies with invited dignitaries, professional photographer, and media invites (for an extra fee)
- Business referrals
- Membership window cling
- Listing in the yearly Downtown Community Directory (mailed to each residential unit in downtown, handed out by real estate professionals, placed in participating businesses, and digital version on DNA website)
- Business listing on the DNA website
- Small Businesses receive a vote in DNA matters (board elections, policy stances, etc.)
Click here to email us for more info about this collaborative.