At the beginning of this calendar year, DNA Small Business members elected, for the first time, Small Business Member representatives to sit on the DNA Board of Directors – Brenton Brown (Bootleggin BBQ) and Kristen Linares (13th & Washington). Recently Kristen resigned from her position on the Board in response to the physical demands of her late term pregnancy with twins. At this time, Kristen and the twins are doing fine and we are very excited for her!

Kristen’s resignation leaves a vacant seat on the DNA Board of Directors, for which an election will be held at the upcoming Town Hall meeting on September 10th.  The winner of this election will serve for a term through the end of January 2019.

All Small Business Members with no outstanding dues are eligible to vote. The Board has extended a 7 month grace period for all current members who have outstanding dues to get caught up.

If you are a current Small Business Member and would like to run for this seat, please send an email to Please Include:

  • Name
  • Business Name and Address
  • Picture of Yourself
  • Brief Description of your goals as a Board Member if elected.

All Candidate entries must be submitted by 6pm on September 3rd, pursuant to DNA Bylaws (Article VIII, Section 2).


If you are a Small Business Member and would like to inquire about your status regarding payment of dues, please send an email to