The Locust Business District (LBD) has been working to create and fund a new dog park near the corner of 22nd and St. Charles Street, and Ald. Ingrassia has been assisting with issues related to the park’s location and land use. DNA is assisting by gathering input about the project from nearby residents and businesses.

There may also be a possibility for DNA to facilitate the development of new commercial and/or residential building(s) nearby with the help of Ald. Ingrassia. Downtown STL, Inc. is also assisting with the potential new building(s) by providing guidance on neighborhood demographics and land use.

We will keep you posted on the progress of LBD’s new park for the dog owners at the western end of our neighborhood.

Please feel free to contact us to share your thoughts on this amenity at

Edited on 11/17/16 to better clarify the roles of each entity.